Fabiano BernardiAula: Caracterização - XPS

Sobre o Ministrante: Físico pela UFRGS (2004), possui mestrado em Física (2006) e doutorado em Física (2010) pela UFRGS com período de doutorado sanduíche na Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz (UNI-MAINZ) - Alemanha (2006), pós-doutorado em Física pela UFRGS (2010), pós-doutorado em Física pelo Advanced Light Source (ALS), Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) - Estados Unidos (2011) e pós-doutorado em Física pela UNICAMP (2012). Atualmente é Professor Associado II, líder do Laboratório de Física de Nanoestruturas do Instituto de Física da UFRGS, Diretor do Centro de Nanociência e Nanotecnologia (CNANO) da UFRGS e Vice-Diretor do Centro de Microscopia e Microanálise (CMM) da UFRGS. Trabalha principalmente com nanoestruturas aplicadas em catálise, energia renovável e biomedicina. É orientador de mestrado e doutorado pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física e Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência dos Materiais da UFRGS e possui bolsa de Produtividade em Pesquisa 2 do CNPq. Possui mais de 50 artigos científicos publicados com mais de 1600 citações e índice h igual a 23. É revisor de 30 periódicos distintos tais como Science, Nature Communications, Nanoscale, Chemistry of Materials, Applied Catalysis B e Journal of Catalysis. Coordena o projeto de inclusão social denominado Laboratórios Abertos, o qual divulga ciência e tecnologia a estudantes de ensino médio de baixa renda e possibilita o acesso desses aos laboratórios de ensino da UFRGS. Também coordena o projeto de divulgação científica intitulado CNANOTube.

Data: 21/09/2023
Horário: 16:00h - 17:15h

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Lesson: Caracterização - Microscopia (MEV/MET)

About: - COMING SOON -

Date: 21/09/2023
Tiempo: 14:00h - 15:15h

Lesson: Catalisadores - Multisite vs single sitePedro Migowski

About: Prof. Pedro Migowski da Silva holds a bachelor’s degree in chemistry (2006) from UFRGS. He completed his Master's (2009) and Ph.D. (2013) in Chemistry at the Post Graduate Program in Chemistry of UFRGS. He conducted postdoctoral internships at the Institute of Physics of UFRGS under the supervision of Prof. Sérgio Ribeiro Teixeira, and a postdoctoral fellowship with the Capes-Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung at the Institute of Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry (ITMC) at RWTH-Aachen University, under the supervision of Prof. Walter Leitner. He was also a Fellow of the Young Talents Attraction Program of CNPq at NanoPUC-PUCRS. Since 2018, he has been a Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the Institute of Chemistry of UFRGS. He conducts his research in the Molecular Catalysis Laboratory at IQ-UFRGS, using catalysis as a tool for the development of chemical technologies for a sustainable future. His work focuses on thermo, photo, or electrocatalytic systems involving multisite catalysts (surfaces) or well-defined molecular catalysts (complexes), with a particular emphasis on the capture and utilization of CO2 to produce value-added chemical compounds.

Date: 09/21/2023
Time: 09:00h - 10:15h

ManuelMolinerLesson: Síntese - Zeólitas

About: Manuel Moliner completed his Ph.D. at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), in Chemistry, under the guidance of Prof. Avelino Corma and Dr. Maria J. Díaz in 2008, working on the synthesis of new zeolitic structures for their application as catalysts in industrially-relevant chemical processes by using high-throughput methodologies. Afterward, he completed a two-year postdoc (2008-2010) with Prof. Mark Davis at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), where he worked on the design and synthesis of functional materials with application in different catalytic processes, mainly in biomass transformations.

He joined the ITQ as a “Ramón y Cajal” researcher in 2011, obtaining a Tenured Scientist position in 2014, and being recently promoted to Scientist Researcher in 2021. His research lies at the interface of heterogeneous catalysis and materials design.

Manuel has published 103 articles in international peer-review journals and has presented 33 patent applications as co-inventor (11 transferred to industry and 11 jointly presented with industry). Manuel has received the “Young Research Award” from the International Zeolite Association (IZA) in 2019 for his contributions to the Science and Technology of zeolites.

Date: 09/21/2023
Time: 10:45h - 12:00h
