The dead12 05 noticia 28cicat2line for paper submissions closes in 2 days. Be sure to participate!
Click HERE for more information.
12 05 noticia 28cicatThere are 3 days until the deadline for the work submissions! Don't stay out of the 28th CICAT!
Click HERE for more information.
29 04 28Cicat OhminiEletronics noticiaIt is with great pleasure that we announce Ohmini Power Electronics as the First Company Sponsor of the 28th CICAT.
Ohmini Power Electronics is specialized in the import and commercialization of products and equipment for the industrial and research areas, it is the official representative of the biggest brands in the fields of Material Science, Measuring Instruments and Energy Conversion. Focusing on ensuring high reliability and quality solutions, it acts as strategic partners for large research institutes, laboratories and universities in Brazil.
09 05 28CICAT ULTIMA HORA noticiaThere's still time to submit your work! The submission period runs until May 15th. Don't leave it to the last minute, send your work!

Click here for more information.

photo1651257790The submission period has been extended to 05/15.
Click HERE and check it out!